“Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu “
TUBITAK is the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye. UME (TUBITAK UME) is the NMI of Türkiye operating under the authority of TUBITAK. TUBITAK UME has substantial experience in all metrological activities the field of hardness. It has been accredited to ISO 17025 by TURKAK since 2005, has 14 CMCs in hardness, is participating in CIPM/CCM WGH, ISO TC 164 SC3, IMEKO TC5, EURAMET WG Hardness and accreditation related work in coordination with TURKAK. TUBITAK has experience in designing and development of many primary HSMs and optical measuring systems, currently used as national standards and primary systems. TUBITAK coordinates the project and will contribute to all WPs, and will lead WP4 and WP6.